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Art for Social Inclusion

Inclusionary - Art for Social Inclusion is an Erasmus+ project aimed at leveraging the transformative power of the arts to enhance social inclusion and develop essential life skills among young people facing social, economic, or educational barriers. The project activities combine non-formal education and creative expression to comprehensively approach the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, especially young people from rural areas, young people with a migrant background and young people with disabilities. We aim to equip 45 youth workers, trainers, and educators with the tools and knowledge to facilitate this empowerment through creative expression. Besides that, the project will engage at least 225 young individuals and create a base of examples of good practices and educational materials that will serve in working with young people for informal learning and their active inclusion in the life of the local community. 

Over the course of 28 months (from March 2024 to June 2026), our initiative will, not only, cultivate a sense of belonging among participants, but also strive to foster a sustainable model for community-based inclusion practices.

Art can be a strong means to make connections, empower and inspire, and develop creativity, self-confidence, and social skills. This is why the project brings together non-formal educators, youth workers, artists, and art therapy educators to create a holistic approach toward a better inclusion of disadvantaged young people through artistic methods (visual arts, theatre, music and movement).

Together we will be working on the following results in the next 2 years:

1. A State-of-the-art report on methods and practices for fostering inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities
2. A TOOLBOX with artistic methods for youth workers
3. A MOOC - online course with artistic methods for youth workers.

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Kick-off meeting 

Koordinator: A4ACTION - Rumänien


InterAktion - Verein für ein interkulturelles Zusammenleben - Österreich

Udruga Delta - Kroatien

Espacio Rojo - Spanien

GAIA Museum - Dänemark

Projektnummer: 2023-2-RO01-KA220-YOU-000180609

Projektlaufzeit: 1.03.2024 - 01.06.2026

DE Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union_POS.jpg
Von der Europäischen Union finanziert. Die geäußerten Ansichten und Meinungen entsprechen jedoch ausschließlich denen des Autors bzw. der Autoren und spiegeln nicht zwingend die der Europäischen Union oder der Europäischen Exekutivagentur für Bildung und Kultur (EACEA) wider. Weder die Europäische Union noch die EACEA können dafür verantwortlich gemacht werden.

Treffpunkt - Meeting Point



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