EUVALUE in Greece
Final event, Conference "Empowering Political Participation and Civic Engagement of Young People" - under the project EUVALUE "Youth action towards respecting EU common Values” was organized in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 16.12.2022.
The event was organized to evaluate the project and all the events that took place in all the partner countries. The main point of the conference was to explore and discuss Tools and methodologies to engage Youth in EU politics and EU Youth Goals identification.
On 16th of November, we met in Brussels with the team of EMIRE - Empowerment of migrant and refugee women for the final meeting of the project.
We discussed the last details, evaluated the whole project and shared our experiences with the multiplier events in each of our countries.
As we had such an amazing team and we would like to continue working together on future projects, we also had a brainstorm for EMIRE 2.0
multiplier event
On 8th of November we have organised WOWSA final conference in Graz, where we presented the project results. Visit for all results.
Let's dance together YE
The aim of this youth exchange is to unite participants through dance, to make them re-think diversity and recognize the elements that unite us. Together with young people from Austria, Armenia, Croatia, North Macedonia, Spain and Ukraine, we are promoting human rights, social interaction and intercultural dialogue through dance and advocate social changes.
IDE 3.0 Youth Exchange - Slovenia
We have had an inspiring week in Novo Mesto, Slovenia. From 26.09.-30.09.2022 youngsters from Austria, Slovenia, Sweden and Germany met to learn more about global issues and widen their global competences. Based on this some really nice project ideas where developed tackling racism, waste, health and social inclusion!
Youth Exchange Youth in Action Poland
The participants were learning about different types of disabilities, and how they can support visually impaired people, and those in wheelchairs if they are meeting them in their communities. At the same time, they brainstormed on ideas that could be implemented in their local communities to involve young people with fewer opportunities.
Start Point TPM Porto, Portugal
The 2nd Transnational Project Meeting was a successful and productive one. We reunited with the coordinator from Germany - KulturLife and the partners from Austria - InterAktion , Slovenia - Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto , Finland - Learning for Integration ry , Portugal - @Rightchallenge , and Cyprus - Center for Social Innovation - CSI .
APV "Let's Dance Together" Morocco
At the beginning of September, we organized the APV of the project "Let's dance together" in Marrakesh, Morocco. One team leader and one youngster from each of the partner countries(Armenia, Ukraine, Morocco, Croatia, and Spain) came together to discuss the program, activities, and tasks of the project that will take place on October 16-23rd in Trofaiach.
Pla(i)nVET Newsletter
The first newsletter of the Erasmus+ project Pla(i)nVET is out, as well as the official poster. The team created a newsletter with the main description of the project, the partners involved, as well as some info about the project results. Check out the full version by clicking on the photo.
EMIRE TPM Novo Mesto, Slovenia
The 4th Transnational meeting of the project EMIRE - Empowerment of migrant and refugee women, that took place in Novo Mesto, Slovenia. During the meeting, we had the chance to evaluate the Learning training teaching activity that took place in Perugia, in March and talk about the next milestones of the project. At the moment, the consortium is working on the last project result, which is an interactive policy paper that will be finished by end of July.
Youth in Action YE Austria
We hosted, and organized the YE - Youth in Action in Trofaiach. During the 5 days of the project, the youngsters from Romania, Croatia, Poland and Austria were learning about human rights, the inclusion of different disadvantaged groups, different cultures, broke their stereotypes and created action plans for future initiatives that they will implement in their local communities.
Think Global, Eat Local YE
Participants from Spain, Greece, Austria, and Slovenia had the chance to meet local farmers, and help them in their daily activities while at the same time hear inspiring stories of sustainable practices, and try locally made food.
Moreover, they learned how to build with cob and natural materials. The participants were inspired by the local, and sustainable practices, and by the simple way of living surrounded by nature, and local products.
Youth in Action: Meeting Graz
This weekend we had guests from Romania, Poland and Croatia for the last partner meeting of the #Erasmusplus project Youth in action. We discussed and prepared the timetable for the Youth Exchanges that will take place in Austria-end of June and Poland - mid September.
Besides office work, we also visited the venue of the youth exchange in Trofaiach and the beautiful Grüner See.
We are looking forward to receiving the youngsters in Trofaiach between the 24-30th of June.
IDE TPM Novo Mesto, Slovenia
The 3rd Transnational Meeting of the project IDE 3.0 in Novo Mesto, Slovenia.
During the meeting we prepared the Youth Exchange that will take place in Slovenia in September. All the participants are really excited to meet again after the Youth Exchange that took place in Sweden in May.
Y+A=R: Final meeting
The lovely project Youth+Art=Resilience" , in which we are partners, is soon coming to an end and this week we had the final evaluation meeting in Trbovlje, Slovenia, hosted by the coordinator, Aspira, zavod za razvoj posameznika in družbe
It was really nice meeting all the partners from Romania, Slovenia, Denmark, Spain, Serbia, and Italy and discussing the progress of the project, achievements, inspiring moments, and future projects.

EUvaluation: Europa, Freu(n)de, Zusammenarbeit, Zukunft
Our participants from Turkey, Italy, Spain, Austria and Croatia came together to raise awareness about the EU and its function, purpose and importance; develop critical thinking; encourage active citizenship and set goals for the future.
Y+A=R: Online workshop:How to set up an exhibition?
This week we attended an online workshop about setting up an art exhibition. The workshop was led by Anna Bovin from GAIA Museum Outsider Art and it was part of the KA2 project - Youth+Art=Resilience.
LTTA, Youth in Action
The last Learning, teaching, and training activity of the #ErasmusPlus project Youth in action took place in Rijeka, Croatia between 18-22nd of April and focused on sharing good practices from our work with refugees and migrants and the work of the Croatian NGO, Udruga Delta with gamification and design thinking.
The participants from Poland, Romania, Austria and Croatia took part in different workshops we prepared for them and got home new methods and ideas to apply to their daily work with people with fewer opportunities.
Pla(i)nVET - KOM Brussel
On the 3rd of May 2022 our team attended the Kick-off meeting for the project Pla(i)nVet in Brussels, Belgium. This project is about providing tools and information in plain language for persons with learning, and reading disabilities as well as Language learning. We look forward to working on this project stay tuned for more updates and information regarding this project.
Online LTTA
Youth workers from Austria, Italy, Germany, Romania and Portugal have participated at an online learning - teaching - training activity of the Health Without Borders project to learn more about the educational resources on health literacy developed in the project, to better understand the principles of health literacy, to understand the importance of a cohesive communication strategy while working on health literacy with marginalised youth, to understand the principles and benefits of embedded learning environments with youth and to understand the principles and benefits of using comics, storytelling and gamification strategies while working with
marginalised youth.
Last week (28th of March - 1st of April) we were in Perugia, Italy for the LTTA of the project EMIRE - Empowerment of migrant and refugee women . We had a wonderful week together with the group of women from the partner countries and we explored different topics such as emotional intelligence, non-violent communication and the theory of resilience through different NFL methods.
The activities can be found in the toolkit for social workers, youth workers and volunteers working with migrant and refugee women - "Support the creation of a female professional identity through empowerment of migrant or refugee women" that you can find cliking here
Coordinator KulturLife
Partners: InterAktion, Mobilizing Expertise , Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto , Frontiera Lavoro, Center for Social Innovation - CSI
The last Art Workshop and Partnership Meeting was held on March 25 and 26 in Antalya, Turkey.
More than 50 children and youth with disabilities (Daycare center for children with disability Serik) were part of the art workshop where a special painting technique was used.
The child's joy and happiness had no limit.
Humanost, Eco - Logic, InterAktion, United Societies of Balkans, Serged Association, Национална агенција за европски образовни програми и мобилност.
European Year of Youth: meeting with OeAD in Vienna
On the occasion of the European Year of Youth, State Secretary Claudia Plakolm had a lively exchange of experiences with OeAD Managing Director Jakob Calice, Head of Division Gerhard Mosshammer and Erasmus+ Ambassador Katja Lenič Šalamun as well as Erasmus+/ESC promoters Daniela Fellinger and Martin (Grenzenlos Wien) and Veronika Drexel (AHA). We discussed the added value of international youth work, the importance of inclusion and the impact of Erasmus+ and ESK.
OeAD has many activities planned for this Year of Youth. From now on, 100 to 1000 euros are available for young people and associations and organisations working with young people! In total, there are 100,000 euros!
Be part of the Year of Youth! You can find more information on how to participate here:
"Y+A=R: "Art is our Resilience" Youth exchange
"Art is our Resilience" Youth exchange took place in the village of Schardorf from 13th to 19th of March. The youth exchange is part of the KA2 project "Youth+Art=Resilience" coordinated by Aspira, zavod za razvoj posameznika in družbe
During one week the participants tried different types of art during the workshops organized by each national team. From drawing their values to creating comics, playing with clay and colours and reusing different materials to create pieces of art, each one of them had the chance to bring back their inner child and set their creativity free.
For more photos and videos, check the IG page of the project
YiA -
LTTA in Romania
Between 7-11th of March our team went to Romania to learn more about gamification and theater methods. During the week we played with storytelling methods, labyrinth and forum theater and resolved a Mission Impossible quiz.
The LTTA was part of the Youth in Action Ka2 project coordinated by Fundacja Na Rzecz Wspierania Osób Niepełnosprawnych "Wyjdź z Domu".
The organizers were the Romanian NGO - A4Action.
IDE 3.0 - our second Newsletter
The project aims to support creative learning, build resilience for change, and
promote social inclusion through performing and visual arts. As a pre-requisite to theproject goals, two virtual meetings were held to discuss and create awareness for youngpeople using their visual arts skills to create a coherent society. Participants discussedwhat they understood about culture, identity, and arts during the meetings. Also, theyelaborated on how arts can be a vital part of our lives and how significant it is.
Step by step: 3rd TPM and Art workshop in Graz, Austria
As a part of the project 'Step by Step' we hosted our partners in the City of Graz where we organised our 3rd TPM which accompained of a special Art Workshop. This time the Art workshop used was a videostorytelling technic which we could already implement with our target group in the city.
To know more about our project click here
EMIRE - Empowerment of migrant and refugee women:
3rd TPM Lund, Sweden
Last week we had the 3rd Transnational meeting of the project EMIRE - Empowerment of migrant and refugee women in Lund, Sweden. We finished the agenda of the LTTA that will take place in Perugia, Italy at the end of March and checked out the development of the last project result - A policy paper "How the Empowerment of Migrant Women will Lead to the Integration into the Labour Market".
You can check more about the project here
"Youth + Art = Resilience": Online Short Film making workshop
We participated in the first online workshop of the project "Youth + Art = Resilience" organized by the coordinator of the project, Aspira, zavod za razvoj posameznika in družbe
Together with Asociación Espacio Rojo they held a short film making workshop 📽. They showed us and to the youngsters that will be participating in the youth exchange in Austria, how to make short video letters/essays of only 32 sec and 10 frames, in one single location. The sound should be only the one from the original footage.
A simple idea that can be implemented with any target group and very few resources.
WOWSA Project: Team Meeting
We are back! WOWSA Project Team Members met this week to discuss the progress of the project and set new project steps and milestones. In the past 18 months we have developed excited workshops, comic books, audio-books, interactive magazines to help you navigate the virtual world better. Currently our resources are being translated into partner languages and will soon be published!
Start Point - first online meeting
We started working on a new KA2 project - Start Point coordinated by KulturLife. During the first online meeting we met the other partners, discussed about the next steps and planned the Kick-off meeting in Portugal next year.
The project START POINT - Citizenship learning in a shifting society aims to expand and deepen the political and social involvement of marginalized adults on a local, regional, national, and European level.
The Second Newsletter is out:
The second Newsletter of our project Health Without Borders is out!
This time you will find more information about our last actions such: The Health Literacy Toolkit of Resources, The In-Service Training Programme and The Online Portal.
Do you want to know more? Check it out here to see what we've been working on.
Big multinational event "My Vote"
On 26 and 29 November 2021 we organized the second project big multinational event named "My Vote" in the scope of the project "Counter Euroscepticism with your Vote". Different experts from Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia and Chechia presented different interested topics on the main theme of the event the European Parliament election.
"Step by step" meeting in Thessaloniki
The consortium of the project "Step by step" met in Thessaloniki, Greece for the third transnational meeting and a storytelling workshop between 18 and 19th of November.
We discussed the progress of the project and set the dates for the next 2 transnational meetings.
The host NGO - United Societies of Balkans prepared an workshop of storytelling and creative writing where we learnt how we can use this tool with groups with fewer opportunities.
Next meeting will take place in Graz, Austria, so stay tuned for the workshop we are preparing.
HWB meeting in Graz
After several online meetings, partners in the Erasmus+ project Health Without Borders have finally met in Graz. On 16th and 17th of November we have reviewed project progress, project milestones and future actions. Currently we are finalising the content of the In-Service Training Programme and soon we will be able to recruit youth workers, social work specialists and non-formal educators.
The Health Literacy Toolkit of Resources is available in English and all partner languages (German, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian) and ready to be spread among the young people we work with.
ENGAGE website is on!
We´ve launched the ENGAGE website! Visit now to learn about our activities, get to know the partners, and read the latest updates.
Y+A=R Online meeting
This Tuesday, 7.12 we had the second online meeting for the project Youth+Art=Resilience. The project entered in the second phase where the organizations are working with the local groups exploring different art forms and preparing the Mixed mobility of young people that will take place in Austria next year.
ENGAGE partnership meeting
In October partners in the ENGAGE Project have met in Amsterdam to discuss the project progress and agree on further steps considering Job shadowing Schemes development, Up-Skilling Workshops for TCN women and Labour Market stakeholders, Women’s Circles Development and the dissemination strategy.
EMIRE - TM in Perugia, Italy
Together with the coordinator NGO KulturLife and the partners Frontiera Lavoro, Mobilizing Expertise, Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto and Center for Social Innovation - CSI we planned the LTTA for social workers and labour market counsellor who accompany women with migration and refugee background into the labour market that will take place in Perugia next year. We also discussed the development of IO2 and IO3.
YIA - Training for Staff
We participated in a Training for staff in Krakow, Poland organized under the Erasmus+ KA2 project "Youth in action - exchange of practices in order to stimulate youth to action" .
The coordinating NGO Fundacja Na Rzecz Wspierania Osób Niepełnosprawnych "Wyjdź z Domu" showed us some of their work and thought us how to work with people with visual impairment or people in a wheelchair. We also had the chance to meet different NGOs that are doing amazing activities with people with disabilities in Krakow.
"Youth+Art= Resilience" Training for Staff
From 4th to 7th of October, part of our team was attenting a Training in Madrid inside the KA2 project "Youth+Art= Resilience" coordinated by Aspira, zavod za razvoj posameznika in družbe.
Espacio Rojo led the training and teached us different audio-visual techniques, also how to watch, listen and prepare an art installation.
Transnational Meeting of the KA2 project Yes Volunteering
From 20th to 22nd of September, we had the last Transnational Meeting of the KA2 project Yes Volunteering. We analyzed and evaluated the outcomes of the project, as well as the collaboration between the partners and talked about a possible follow-up .
"EMPOWER IDENTITIES - explore the potential of creative learning"
The kick-off meeting of a new #erasmusplus project we are partners in "EMPOWER IDENTITIES - explore the potential of creative learning" in the field of Youth took place today online. It focuses on performing and visual arts that support creative learning to promote social inclusion for migrants and refugees, but also local youngsters with fewer opportunities. Follow the page of the project for more information.
International Conference “Europe is our home“
Verein InterAktion took part in a conference that promotes intercultural dialogue between citizens of different nationalities and different languages. The project did raise awareness of the richness of the cultural and linguistic environment in Europe and European identity, promote diversity, respect for common values and develop cooperation between cities.
"WOWSA" Online Project Partner Meeting
This week partners in the WOWSA project met online to discuss the progress of the project, finished results and future steps. A selection of best practices in digital literacy for parents, guidelines for safe online use and workshops for the digital literacy curriculum for parents are ready and being tested with parents; learning materials for family members of different age groups are being finalized and the training programme for adult educators is being developed.
"Youth+Art = Resilience" Study Visit
Our host, GAIA MUSEUM, that works in the field of art and inclusion of people with special needs introduced us to their work, as well as to similar projects in the city of Randers. Their work is a great example of inclusion of people with special needs into the wider society via the various art forms.
We had the chance to meet different artists with special needs that are being guided and supported in these institutions to follow their imagination and create art using different materials and techniques.
EU S(t)imulation YE
Austria, Spain, Poland, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Germany and Italy met again in Trofaiach 🤩
What are the main institutions of the EU? What are the legislative powers of the European Union? Is there a democratic deficit in the EU? We answered these questions and simulated the ordinary legislative procedure during the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange "EU S(t)imulation" in Trofaiach
WOWSA: Online Team meeting
On 30.06 we had an Online Team meeting for WOWSA project. We discussed with our partners the project progress and the status of the IOs.
The Intellectual Outputs are getting in the final stages and will be soon ready for translation.
We also planned the tasks to be done during the summer months.

#EUYouthWeek - Person des Tages
Von 24.-30. Mai war #EUYouthWeek!
Logo Jugendmanagement stellte deshalb jeden Tag ein Fakt, eine Person und ein Projekt des Tages vor. Heute ist die Person des Tages unsere Projektleiterin Katja Lenič Šalamun
Kick off meeting
KA2 Project "Step by step"
Kick-off meeting of the KA2 project "Step by Step - Action for Active Inclusion of Marginalized People" in which we are partners.
The project is coordinated by Humanost NGO, from North Macedonia and it is an exchange of good practices.
We had a very productive meeting, discussing the timeline of the project and the planned activities.
Kick-off meeting
KA2 Project
Kick-off meeting of the KA2 project "Art+Youth=Resilience" coordinated by ASPIRA Institute from Slovenia.
The project aims to build a bridge between the youth sector and the art and culture sector through an exchange of good practices between the two. Great things are coming in the next 14 months!
KA2 Project
Health without borders
Bleiben Sie dran an der Projekt-Homepage Gesundheit ohne Grenzen!!
Klicken Sie hier, um uns auf der Facebook-Seite von Gesundheit ohne Grenzen zu folgen!
Klicken Sie hier, um uns auf der Instagram-Seite von Gesundheit ohne Grenzen zu folgen!
KA2 Project "Youth in Action"
First meeting of the new KA2 project "Youth in Action" with our partners - Fundacja Na Rzecz Wspierania Osób Niepełnosprawnych "Wyjdź z Domu", Udruga Delta, Kwiatonowickie Stowarzyszenie Homini, A4ACTION.
The project is funded in the Erasmus+ programme.
Health Without Borders meeting
Partners - KulturLife Aurive Rightchallenge and University of Piteşti (UPIT) - were discussing the last details of the first intellectual output: the Health Literacy Toolkit of Resources.
We hold regular digital meetings and continue to work on #Erasmus+ EMIRE project digitally. Currently, we are preparing the interviews for our first intellectual output and are looking forward to presenting you first content soon.